What are your new year's resolutions? Is there a better approach to keeping your resolutions?

Do you need to work on your self-discipline? It's one of the common struggles that traders and non-traders share. You have more power than you think to improve your self-discipline in life and in trading. Let's start the first month of the new year on the right foot with empowering affirmations for traders like you, seeking to add a valuable tool for your trading journey.
“What are your new year's resolutions? Is there a better approach to keeping your resolutions?”
EP 003 Transcript
Welcome to the Affirmations for Traders podcast, a special space created especially for you to listen to affirmations that make a positive impact to support you in your trading journey. I'm Tessa, your host, like many of you, as a trader, I understand the struggles of this journey very intimately. I believe that by adding the power of affirmations to your toolbox, it can be the game changer that you're looking for, to help you improve your trading potential, and to develop yourself into a better trader. You're listening to episode three of the Affirmations for Traders podcast.
Hi, how is your new year going so far? It's still so freshly new in the new year, we're still in January, thank goodness. This is a time of the year when many of us come up with new resolutions for the new year. Or we might even have the same ones from prior years that we're trying to accomplish. And at the start, many of us usually have such good intentions with them. And then over the course of the year, some of us lose sight of tracking our progress, then we get overwhelmed and then end up giving up altogether. How can we keep those resolutions and intentions alive and to keep it up?
Well, a different approach to consider, which is not a new concept is why not treat one month as if it's one year, or even one week as if it's one year? Because when you have 365 days to go, it sounds a lot more daunting and overwhelming than 30 days or seven days at a time, doesn't it? Why not take one month at a time or even just one week at a time?
One of the common challenges traders, both new and experienced struggle with a lot is self-discipline in trading. This approach can be applied to self-discipline as a New Year's resolution. For example, if we mess up for the whole week, well then there's a new week coming up or new year. And we can start again and practice doing better in the following week. And build our confidence.
With this approach, you're effectively creating more chances for yourself to improve to get better and better. On a weekly or monthly basis when you're looking at from a weekly and monthly standpoint instead of one year at a time which can be overwhelming like I mentioned. Again, it's not a new concept, but it is definitely an approach worth exploring.
So, let's get back with affirmations. You can probably guess what this week's affirmations is about.
want to dedicate this week's episode to all of you, dear traders, wanting to get better at self-discipline.
Before we start, let's prepare ourselves. Take a moment and close your eyes. Give yourself permission to be open to the affirmations you're about to hear. And feel free to repeat along with me. Let's begin.
Self-discipline begins with me.
I build good habits and routines in my everyday life because it helps me with my trading.
I practice self-discipline because I know it helps me to become a better trader.
I'm building myself discipline, when I follow my trading plan.
I'm disciplined to consistently study my trades to understand what worked, what didn't and why.
I can do what I know I need to do, even when I don't feel like it.
Self-discipline takes effort, and I'm ready to put in the work to get better at it.
I'm organized and implement ways to monitor my progress.
I forgive myself, pick myself up and start again.
I set measurable and achievable goals to help build myself discipline.
I celebrate the small wins along the way.
I truly believe in myself and my abilities to improve myself discipline.
I'm ready to apply and practice myself discipline.
I'm a more discipline trader starting today.
During the week, reflect on these affirmations and repeat them with deep intention. Feel free to add any of your own to this week's affirmations.
Hi, before we come to a close on this episode, there's something I would like to say. And that is, I would like to say that I really appreciate you as listeners to this podcast, whether you trade stocks, options, forex futures, or whatever it is that you trade. We all have common struggles in trading, and I really hope that I can add value to your trading journey. And I have a small request to make also. If you like the podcast and you enjoy it, please do share it with others who might benefit from this podcast. I thank you in advance for doing that. And I thank you again for listening.
You were listening to affirmations for traders. I'm Tessa and I look forward to doing this again with you next week. Thank you for listening and take care.