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May 26, 20225 min read
EP 018 Staying in the Game
Many traders start out very eager to learn with the goals of making money and doing well, but are not prepared for what it really takes...

May 26, 202228 min read
EP 017 Guest Interview - A Humble Trader
EP 017 Transcript Tessa: You're listening to episode 17 of the affirmations for traders podcast. Back in episode 12, a fellow trader and...

Apr 25, 20226 min read
EP 016 The Power of Consistency
Taking imperfect action is a great way to help you break the feeling of overwhelm and make a move when you feel stuck and don't know how...

Apr 12, 20225 min read
EP 015 Feeling Overwhelmed and stuck?
Are you procrastinating working on your trading strategies and improving your trading process? Are you a perfectionist and maybe feel...

Apr 1, 20225 min read
EP 014 Is Your WHY Greater than the Pain?
This can be a tough topic! We're not used to asking ourselves this question, but we should ask it and reflect upon it. I would dare to...

Mar 22, 20224 min read
EP 013 Self-Discipline and Your WHY
It's hard to be consistently self-disciplined for trading. Traders start out with a disadvantage when it comes to self-discipline...

Mar 14, 202211 min read
EP 012 Fellow Trader Interviews Tessa
This is a special episode. A fellow trader/listener interviews the host of the podcast. EP 012 Transcript Welcome to the Affirmations...

Mar 8, 20225 min read
EP 011 Trading Can Be Really Boring
Feeling bored in your trading? That could actually be a positive sign that you're doing something right in your trading process. It...

Mar 1, 20223 min read
EP 010 Staying Focused in the Midst of Chaos
Are you having a hard time focusing on your trading lately? Is your mind pulling in different directions due to so much that is going...

Feb 22, 20224 min read
EP 009 Are you a Reactive or Proactive Trader?
Last week's episode 8 on handling trading losses is an important topic that impacts all traders. It's one of the most challenging...

Feb 15, 20224 min read
EP 008 Loser Trades and Losing Days
Are the highs and lows of trading putting you on an emotional rollercoaster and causing doubt in your trading abilities? Are losing...

Feb 15, 20224 min read
EP 007 What Trading Plan
Sometimes, a Trading Plan is not the most exciting thing to think about isn't it? Naturally, we like to be free and not bound by any...

Feb 1, 20223 min read
EP 006 The Recap
Missed out on the prior episodes? This is a special episode that highlights selected trading affirmations from the last 5 episodes mixed...

Feb 1, 20224 min read
EP 005 I Own My Journey
We can learn a lot about ourselves when we trade. Trading can reflect and reveal aspects of ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not,...

Jan 16, 20223 min read
EP 004 Squash the Limiting Beliefs
Are certain self-limiting beliefs holding you back from reaching your fullest potential as a trader? Understanding where those types of...

Jan 16, 20224 min read
EP 003 Practice Self-Discripline
What are your new year's resolutions? Is there a better approach to keeping your resolutions? Do you need to work on your...

Jan 16, 20222 min read
EP 002 Improving Your Learning and Practice
Sometimes we hang on too long to past disappointments. Like disappointments or failures from last year! It's time to look at what you...

Jan 16, 20223 min read
EP 001 Renewed Sense of Purpose
HAPPY 2022! We can let go of last year, and make a fresh new start! Let's start the first week of the new year on the right foot with...
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